Aberlour 12 Year Non Chill – Filtered 750ml
Aberlour 12 Year Non Chill-Filtered 750ml is a single malt Scotch whisky that stands out for its rich and robust character. The term “non chill-filtered” indicates that the whisky retains more of its natural oils and flavors, contributing to a fuller mouthfeel and enhanced complexity.
Typically, Aberlour 12 Year Non Chill-Filtered offers flavors of ripe fruits such as apples and oranges, along with notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and a subtle hint of chocolate. It’s matured in a combination of traditional oak and sherry casks, which impart both sweetness and depth to the whisky.
This expression from Aberlour is cherished for its smoothness and well-rounded taste, making it a favorite among whisky aficionados who appreciate a flavorful and characterful dram.
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