Alheit Vineyards Huilkrans 750ml
Introducing Huilkrans Chenin Blanc
Huilkrans is a single origin Chenin Blanc wine. It has gained a very strong following amongst Chenin lovers and is considered by critics to be approximately equal to Magnetic North in quality.
If Magnetic North is the tenor voice of Skurfberg, then Huilkrans must be the deeper baritone.
It works on a lower, richer frequency, but still unmistakably from this great appellation.
Once again, this wine justifies the commitment levels needed to work with far away, very low yielding old vines. 2023 is one of my favourite bottlings from this grand cru site.
The nose shows beautiful citrus juice and blossom, some salty spice. The palate rushes in full and fresh, with plenty of power and no excess weight. It finishes with a flourish of energy, confident and sure footed.
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