Bacardi Carta Negra 750ml


Description Carta Negra is a medium-bodied black rum, crafted with passion by the Maestros de Ron Bacardí. Its rich, dark flavours develop in heavily charred oak barrels and are shaped through a secret blend of charcoals Nose & Palate A journey that begins with sweet, tropical fruit, buttery caramel and vanilla notes. Ends with a smoky liquorice and molasses finish Suggested serve Enjoy with Ginger beer or Ginger ale and fresh lime over lots of ice Region Produced in Puerto rico, bottled in Italy Age Aged between one and three years in oak barrels that have been given a heavy char. The rum is then filtered through charcoal for additional flavor Other In Cuba, bats are considered lucky. When Doña Amalia Bacardí spotted fruit bats in the distillery, she insisted that a bat should appear on every bottle

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SKU: SR46 Category: Tags: , ,

Category: Rum

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