Bayab Orange & Marula Gin 750ml


Bayab gin is a copper pot distilled gin, made in the Midlands distillery, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Bayab orange & marula is made with a neutral spirit made from grain at 96.4% abv. It is handcrafted with eight African botanicals sourced from across the African continent, from Ghana to Zambia.
Baobab, Orange peel, marula fruit, juniper berries, coriander, rosemary, cinnamon, and coarse salt, are added to the neutral spirit for 14 days to steep their flavour into the spirit.
Recommended Serve: The Bayab Gin & Juice
Ingredients: 50ml Bayab Orange & Marula Gin, 30ml Pineapple Juice, Fresh Ginger, Fresh Squeezed Lime
Method: Add the Gin to a highball filled with ice. Top with the other ingredients.

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SKU: SG038 Category: Tags: , , ,

Category: Local

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