Boulder Bourbon Bottled In Bond Whiskey 750ml


Some of our Bourbon whiskey has passed the four-year period maturing in a virgin American oak barrel and as such can now be bottled in bond. In addition to being matured for a minimum of four years, this whiskey is bottled at 50% abv, (100 proof), resulting in a stronger and richer spirit. With a higher than typical percentage of malt barley in our bourbon, it has a more malty and less sweet character.

  • Oatmeal cookie, candied ginger, and allspice. Aged 4 years and bottled at 100 proof.
  • We’re proud to have a whiskey that joins the hallmark tradition of quality American whiskey designation: Bottled In Bond

3 in stock

SKU: SWK424 Category: Tags: , , , , ,

Category: American Whiskey

The product image is for display purposes only. The actual product might vary. Vintage may not be accurate. Please contact us before purchasing to confirm