Bushmills Whiskey 750ml


Description BUSHMILLS WHISKEY 750ml, a quintessential Irish whiskey renowned for its unrivaled craftsmanship and centuries-old tradition. Elevate your drinking experience with this iconic spirit, crafted along the banks of the River Bush in Northern Ireland. Nose Elevate your senses with our captivating aroma. Carefully distilled essence captures a sensory experience that adds to the overall pleasure of each sip. Palate Experience a refined palate, where caramel, vanilla, and subtle spice create a sophisticated and memorable tasting journey. The balanced blend ensures a harmonious and lasting impression of quality craftsmanship. Region Bushmills whiskey is produced in Northern Ireland. The Old Bushmills Distillery, located in the village of Bushmills in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, is one of the oldest distilleries in the world. Suggested Serve Whether it’s the smooth interplay of caramel and vanilla or the subtle hints of spice, our product promises a tasting experience that is both sophisticated and memorable. Age Specially selected barrels impart depth and character, delivering a richness that unfolds with every sip. Each bottle tells a story of meticulous aging, showcasing patience and expertise.

12 in stock

SKU: SWK08 Category: Tags: ,

Category: Irish Whisky

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