Campari 750ml


Description Campari 750ml is a timeless classic that embodies the spirit of sophistication and conviviality. Crafted with a secret blend of herbs, spices, and fruit peels, Campari is renowned for its vibrant red hue and distinct bittersweet flavor. Nose Flavored with a bewildering array of 68 herbs and spices. Palate Campari’s bold and complex taste, characterized by notes of orange zest, cherry, and an herbal medley, is the perfect foundation for creating classic cocktails or enjoying it on the rocks. Region Italy. Suggested Serve Versatile and dynamic, Campari is a staple in mixology, elevating concoctions such as the iconic Negroni or the refreshing Campari and Soda. Other Celebrate the art of aperitivo with Campari 750ml—a bottle that embodies the essence of Italy’s zest for life. Enhance your cocktail repertoire, elevate your social occasions, and make a statement with the bold and iconic flavor of Campari.

22 in stock

SKU: SL09 Category: Tag:

Category: Liqueurs

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