De Toren The Black Lion 750ml
Hailed one of the most luxurious 100% Shiraz ever produced in South Africa.
The Black Lion, a wine crafted from the ancient soils of Africa, cultivated from specially selected vines and nurtured by special hand manicuring and individual attention.
Truly an international wine, positioned to stand proud amongst its peers.
De Toren proprietors Emil and Sonette den Dulk left Johannesburg in 1991, to establish their vineyards in the Polkadraai Hills of Stellenbosch. Situated on southern facing slopes overlooking False Bay, De Toren enjoys the cooling effect of constant ocean breezes.
Taking a holistic approach to keeping vineyard soils healthy and balanced. Viticulturalist Ernest Manuel employs sustainable farming practices throughout the property.
Infrared Aerial Imaging is used extensively in order to monitor ripeness in various vineyard blocks and determine optimal picking times although actual harvesting and production are done almost entirely by hand.
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