Knysna Classic Gin 750ml


Description Known for it’s distinct taste, this classic gin has an African twist that got the attention of international judges Nose Honeybush, for a touch of sweetness, Num Num berries for its fruity tartness and Mondei Whitei which has a lovely Vanilla scent to it Palate The finish is smooth and clean with hints of vanilla and a twinkle of star anise Region Knysna, South Africa Tonic Experiment with many available good Tonic Garnish Is best enjoyed as is, over ice with a good Indian Tonic slice of orange and sprig of thyme Botanicals Juniper -Italy, Coriander from Bulgaria, Almonds from Sedgefield, Honeybush from the Crags, Mondie White from Limpopo, Cardoman from Guatemala, Cinnamon from Madagascar, Star Anaise from Vietnam, Num nums from Knysna, Spring water from the Witteberg Mountains Awards Silver medal (91 points) at the 2019 International Wine & Spirit Competition

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