Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial 750ml


Description Rich, luscious and vibrant Nose Intense and fragrant, recalling nectarine, cherry and redcurrant Palate Fruity and freshly, a blend of richness and elegance Region Five main areas of Champagne – France Cultivars Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay Pairing Sweet and sour dishes or with red fruit desserts Alcohol 12% Awards Moët & Chandon Imperial Brut has garnered prestigious awards, a testament to its unmatched quality. From international competitions to the hearts of champagne enthusiasts, it stands as a symbol of perfection and craftsmanship. Other The iconic ribbon label on the bottle speaks volumes about the heritage and excellence of Moët & Chandon. Recognized globally, it symbolizes a commitment to quality and luxury that transcends boundaries.

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Category: Champagne

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