Six Dogs Honey Lime Gin 750ml


Description Six Dogs Honey Lime Gin captures the essence of South Africa’s sun-drenched landscape. Imagine yourself in a field of wildflowers, the air buzzing with bees and the scent of citrus hanging heavy. That’s the feeling you get with every sip of this vibrant gin. Nose Black cherry, plum, black-currant and some tannin, the gin does not disappoint Palate It’s an easy drinking gin with fruity tones best enjoyed on its own Region Karoo, Western Province, South Africa Tonic Fever Tree, Fitch & Leeds, Barker & Quinn or Schweppes Indian Tonic Garnish Botanicals Distilled in small batches through generous quantities of juniper and fresh citrus, placed in tanks together with hand-picked pinotage grapes to allow the gin to extract the deep red essence of this truly South African cultivar Other Stained by the skins of Pinotage grapes Colour is entirely natural and will fade over time

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